Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Day 28 -- Sunday, June 16 -- Father's Day 2013

Back to Training today, with a few differences:

  • Woke up around 9am, made a quick breakfast walking out the door.
  • Called my Stepdad before getting ready and everything else, then texted my father. Thankfully a certain someone reminded me!
  • Met with a friend, saw all her vinylmation, pins, and a few other things
  • Went to the Studios around 1pm, making it in on time for costuming. While walking inside I saw Coordinator Zach, who walked with me inside telling me he wasn't feeling too great and got no sleep. Zach really reminds me of Shawn Kevin from back home, personality and all. Ran into Jenn, one of my gals, on the way in who was going for her first day at the Commissary. Picked up my shirt, changed, then picked up several pairs of pants which I hurriedly rushed to my car. 
  • Barely made it to work on time, which was thankfully the closer location. I did run, and it's the second time I've barely made it.
  • Clocked on, receiving training, which meant walking over by the animation building. Made good time, and found out it was the four keys class. Had class from 1:45p to a bit after 5p, then worked at my location until 7:45p.
  • The entirety of the four keys class was really straight forward of Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency. The instructor went through all the keys utilizing things like flash cards, notes, and group activities. My personal favourite part was the improvisation part for Courtesy. She had asked someone to volunteer to come to the front of the class, and while everyone else just looked around I decided to raise my hand. She made everyone clap, and we did an improve guest experience for a restaurant with a family of four while I was the guest. The first was bad, acceptable, then Disney magical as she improved her guest expertise of serving the guest. The one thing that made everyone laugh at was when she acknowledged my invisible birthday button and I said "I'm celebrating my 21st, which we know everyone does while they're at Disney!". The other was me mentioning was wearing long sleeved shirts (my dress shirt) in Florida when she said she'd try and hurry up the wait. At one point during the class she asked about magical experiences and great example of guest interaction, where I shared the Oswald Story that I had told, and in the meantime, almost died from my tie which was choking me. Another funny point was the second group that went did a Cast Member greeting a little princess, which was a flamboyant guy who got on his knees pretending to be a princess, which we all found so funny as he used a voice too.
  • Got out of the Four Keys training class and went back to once. Since this was my first real opportunity to use my sash, I grabbed a bunch of celebrating buttons, which was nice. I handed four or so out today saying "I'm Celebrating Father's Day" which I did for most of the fathers that stopped and talked to me. It was quite slow today, but still entertaining to the point that I didn't realize it was too hot until Karen said she "sweating so much that she felt like a sinner in church".
  • Tried talking to Lizzie as I was slipping into my accent and she wouldn't talk to me otherwise.
  • Towards the end of my shift I decided to move to the other side of the store since there were too many people standing around, plus there's more pin trading to happen there.
  • Left quite quickly, and drove to pick Lyanne up since we had made the decision to go Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was so crazy I could barely even move my cart, much less find anything really left but still managed. Bought bread and milk as the guys had requested, and then got in line while the girls were finishing everything else. Had to decide between Oreos or a mug for Caleb as an apology and decided upon the mug as it would last longer.
  • Had an issue with Lyanne's roommate purchasing her liquor that she wanted since I was the one person in the group under 21 which is supposedly law. She still ended up getting it, as she went into the liquor part.
  • Drove Lyanne and her roommate home, helping them take everything in.
  • Talked Lyanne into going back to Chatham, which was sad for her since both her and her current boyfriend used to live together, and she told me all about it. I unloaded my few groceries while letting her talk on the phone in my car. Caleb creeped up on her while I was inside, and I came back to her sitting halfway out of the car, done talking with her boyfriend.
  • Brought her inside and we talked for a bit, then Alex and Caleb came back from their run just a few minutes later. Talked for a bit with them while I decided on what to do while Lyanne wanted me to go to the Magic Kingdom to see someone.
  • Finally decided to just take her back home, and wait since my friend had received an ER. Lyanne let me stay over for a bit to charge my phone while we talked about the CP, her boyfriend, and relationships for a while.
  • Went over to my friend's who wanted to watch Blazing Saddles.
Not too shabby of a day today, definitely busy and interesting which I'm really enjoying. Continuing to make the most of it. Plus I really love the sash that I have now so I can carry more things and still be withing Disney Look guidelines!

Have a Magical Day!

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