Monday, May 27, 2013

Update and a Few Quick Changes

Good Morning, Wonderful People!

Since I began my training today, I thought I'd share a bit of wisdom that I learned from my Trainer.

Beyond everything else that we've been told so far, one thing that my trainer Donald mentioned today absolutely stuck with me -- There's so many guests that plan their once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Disney Parks. . . Which we have to make a lasting impression that will give them memories for years to come.

Given everything else, that's why I love my job. We're responsible for making so many people's days, and it even rings true in life. There's so many once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that we receive in life that you never know exactly when, or even if they may occur again later. We just have to make the most of every moment we have right now, and if anything cherish them.

There's so many more pieces of advice from Walt that I could rattle off, which I'll do a later point in time.

As far as updates go, I believe I will be switching to a bullet/grid update system so that I can give quick swift updates without losing much more sleep, and keep everyone informed. I plan on writing about the Monster's University event come my next day off, as there's so many photographs and information to go with everything.

There's so much to write about, but keeping this blog in a professional light is my priority above everything else.

Have a Magical Day!

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