Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Iron Man 3 Review

You start something pure, something exciting then come the mistakes, the compromises. We create our own demons...

Thus begins the third installment in the Iron Man franchise, with Robert Downey, Jr. as the famed Iron Man. The film opens with Tony quoting "some famous guy" which is then quoted by himself, making it famous. The entirety of the film is based upon created demons, and ultimately ourselves.

Throughout the film, Tony faces several of his demons, and overcomes them throughout the film. Pepper Potts is ultimately his true love, whom he is deathly afraid to lose more than anything else. I'm not going to go into much detail, as too much gives away the film. Then there's the villain known as The Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley who did an excellent job. The Mandarin's character is as far from the comics that you'll get, and I do have quite a few issues with it. There's a big reveal at the end, as to who the true Mandarin is.

The film had many excellent scenes and messages, but overall I believe it sent a wonderful message of not letting anything stop you from achieving anything, and everything possible. My very favourite scene was at the very end, as Tony gave Pepper his "necklace" which is also his heart. In addition, Tony's quote of "Why Stop There" means a lot, as there's ultimately no stopping place in life as you have to keep moving forward in progress.

Make sure to stay after the credits for a nice little bonus scene, as it's worth it. Iron Man 3 released on Friday, May 10, 2013. Marvel is coming out with several other Avengers-related films the summer!

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